

  • formation of the specialist’s personality as a bearer of intellectual and innovative potential of worldview, professional, socio-political and moral-ethical competencies;
  • development of educational, research, social and cultural-artistic environment for the harmonious formation of scientific, aesthetic and spiritual worldview of student youth


  • high-quality training of new generation specialists, introduction of modern educational technologies;
  • achieving high standards of scientific research and deepening integration into the world scientific space;
  • creation of appropriate conditions for professional and creative self-realization of a teacher, employee, student;
  • involvement of students in the decision-making process and activities of the faculty and the university;
  • formation of students’ sense of national and patriotic duty, ecological culture, active citizenship



  • opening (licensing and accreditation) of new innovative and promising, including interdisciplinary, educational programs and modernization of existing content taking into account modern requirements – involvement of stakeholders in the analysis of programs, application of student-centric approach and systematic monitoring;
  • increase the number of training courses taught in English for the training of specialists at the educational levels of “Master” and “Doctor of Philosophy”
  • preparation of textbooks, manuals, lecture courses, including electronic, and presentation courses in academic disciplines, the formation of an electronic library;
  • updating the material and technical base to ensure the educational process (devices and materials, multimedia equipment, computer equipment and its software);
  • expansion of bases of educational and industrial practices as possible places of future employment of graduates of faculty (establishments of biological, medical and nature protection profile); initiating the creation of a network of hospitals of the universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and establishing cooperation with higher education institutions on their exchange use;
  • development of academic mobility of students, scientific and pedagogical staff of the faculty, intensification of international internships;
  • strengthening cooperation with potential employers, organizing labor fairs, involving representatives of companies, institutions and organizations in joint events (seminars, optional classes, scientific conferences, round tables, trainings), organizing in-service training courses for teachers.


  • initiating the construction and involvement of employees of the Faculty of Biology in the organization of the Center for Scientific Research of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University (Drahomanov Street);
  • promoting the development of existing and formation of new scientific schools of the faculty, increasing funding for research by attracting scientific and pedagogical and scientific staff of the faculty to participate in competitions held by international institutions and foundations of Ukraine to obtain grants, projects and economic contracts;
  • conclusion of international bilateral agreements with educational institutions and research institutions to enhance the academic mobility of research and teaching staff, doctoral students and graduate students in global and European programs (Erasmus +, Fulbright, NAWA, OeAD, etc.);
  • assistance in the preparation and defense of doctoral dissertations and financial support of postgraduate research in order to increase the efficiency of their work;
  • promoting the creation of appropriate technical and financial conditions for the scientific work of departments, research laboratories of the faculty, scientific facilities that are the national heritage of Ukraine and the functioning of the Interuniversity Center for Collective Use “Cell Biology and Bioenergy”;
  • organization of expeditionary work of departments and structural units that conduct field research;
  • inclusion of periodicals of the faculty (“Bulletin of Lviv University. Biological Series” and “Biological Studies / Studia Biologica”) in scientometric databases;
  • scientific partnership with universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, branch academies of sciences, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and objects of the nature reserve fund.


  • activation of existing and search for new forms of career guidance work;
  • implementation of the Concept of national education of young people with active citizenship (involvement of students in national-patriotic events and actions of the university, organization of meetings with famous scientists, public figures, employees of the psychological service of the university);
  • University Open Space;
  • development of a system of measures for employment of graduates of the faculty.