Oksana Ikkert
Position: Associate Professor, Human and Animals Physiology Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Research interests
Investigation of oxygen-dependent processes (mitochondrial respiration, lipoperoxidation processes, antioxidant defense system) in rat tissues under the action of various factors of the internal and external environment (stress, radiation, aging).
Humoral regulation with the basics of pharmacology – lectures.
Technology of health preservation – lectures and laboratory classes.
Physiology of respiration and energy processes – lectures.
Physiology of the CNS and HNA – lectures and laboratory classes.
Molecular and cellular physiology – laboratory classes.
Philosophy of biology – laboratory classes
- Cardiopulmonary function in breast cancer patients versus healthy control women (Physiotherapy Quarterly, 2020 et al.); link
- Creatinine is a biochemical marker for assessing how untrained people adapt to fitness training loads (Peer , 2020 et al.) link
- Energy processes in rat liver under ryanodine (E & Clinic Physiol & Biochem., et all ) link
- Mitochondrial ryanodine‐sensitive Ca2+channels of rat liver(Cell biochemistry and function, 2017 et al.); link
- Еxperimental substantiation of permeabilized hepatocytes model for investigation of mitochondria in situ respiration (Ukr. Biochem. J., 2015 et al.) link
- Kinetic parameters of rat permeabilized hepatocytes respiration upon various Са2+ concentrations in medium and prolonged influence of taurine (Stud. biol., 2015 et al.) link
- Роль ріанодинчутливих Cа2+-каналів у регуляції дихання мітохондрій печінки щурів (Вісн. Львів. ун-ту. Сер. біол., 2017, зі співавт.) link
- Особливості оксигензалежних процесів у щурів зі стрептозотоциніндукованим діабетом (Експер. та клін. фізіол. і біохім., 2015 зі співавт.)
- Енергетичні процеси ізольованих гепатоцитів за різної тривалості дії інсуліну (Stud. biol., 2010 зі співавт.)
- Вплив L-аргінін на вікові зміни процесів перекисного окиснення ліпідів та активність системи антиоксидантного захисту у тканинах щурів (Укр. біохім. журн., 2007 зі співавт.)
She was born on September 10, 1977 in Dubno, Rivne region. She graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Lviv University (1999), postgraduate studies (2002), Candidate of Biological Sciences (2003), Associate Professor (2011). In 2002-2004 she worked as a junior researcher at NDL-40 “Bioenergy and Biologically Active Substances”. Since 2004 on teaching work: 2004-2006 assistant; from 2006 to present he is an associate professor of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. He is a member of the Ukrainian Physiological and Radiobiological Societies.
Participation in the International project within the framework of the General Agreement on the provision of services with the Novartis Institute of Biomedical Research (USA) RD 15 “Scientific research and analysis of trends in biotechnology and drug development”, supervisor prof. Manko V.V. Project implementation period: April 30, 2019 – August 15, 2022.
Diploma and prize for the first place of the textbook “Fundamentals of Bioenergy” (authors Babsky A., Ickert O., Manko VV) in the competition “The best textbook of natural sciences 2018-2019 academic year” published by LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2019 year.
Diploma and prize for the first place of the textbook “Physiology of man and animals (physiology of nervous, muscular and sensory systems):” (authors Klevets M. Yu., Manko VV, Galkiv MO, Ikert OV , Bychkova SV) in the competition “The best textbook of natural sciences 2011-2012 academic year” published by LNU named after Ivan Franko. 2012.
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