Ecological Toxicology

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: екології

Навчальний план

9Диференційований залік


СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
932професор Антоняк Г. Л.БЛЕ - 11М


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
916БЛЕ - 11Мпрофесор Антоняк Г. Л.

Опис курсу

The course ‘Ecological toxicology’ is aimed at studying the harmful effects of toxic substances and anthropogenic pollutants on the environment, biotic components of natural ecosystems (organisms, populations, and communities), urban ecosystems and agroecosystems.

‘Ecological toxicology’ is a normative discipline in the master’s educational program in the specialty 101 Ecology. The discipline is taught in the 1st year of study (1st semester) in the amount of 5 credits (according to the European Credit Transfer System ECTS).


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